In English, we looked at using expanded noun phrases. This is essentially using adjectives to improve the description of the noun(s). We also learned how to write with fronted adverbials to express time and place. Homework this week is further practise with fronted adverbials, so let's see what you've got! Lastly, children learned how to create suspense in their writing by using similes, short sentences and ellipsis where needed. All of this learning led up to their extended write, which was based on the Ancient Greek myth of Pandora's Box. I look forward to reading these in detail over the weekend.
In topic, children learned the similarities and differences between the Ancient Olympics and the Modern Olympics. We also competed in our own version of an Ancient Olympics which involved events such as ball throw (javelin/spear throw), cumulative long jump and a running relay race. Children seemed to really enjoy this and the weather cooperated, so all went well.
Top Spellers this week were: Ellie-Mae, Gracie, Scarlett S, Cerys, Amilia, Owen W, Olivia, Amy, Emmi and Ava. Well done, +2 HPs each!
Spellings for next week (ou blend):
cloud - The cloud moved swiftly over our heads.
mouth - Do you remember what the French for mouth is?
roundabout - Check your mirrors when in a roundabout.
pound - We had to pound the stakes into the football goals.
shout - Please don't shout as I can hear you fine!
+ 5 of your own.
Spellings and times tables will be tested on Tuesday as usual.
The Good Work Award this week went to Joel for his excellent maths last week.
The Good Behaviour Award this week went to Maya for setting a good example.
+ 5 HPs each!
The Class DOJO Winner this week is a 3-way draw so we will carry the points over to next week.
Our class won the Best Attendance Award last week too! Woohoo!
Remember to read and record in your reading record the date and pages read.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Mr Sutherland