In English we went through some tough to spell words (examples: tomorrow, special and rotten). We also worked with rhyming words a bit too. Lastly, we went through The Charge of the Light Brigade by Tennyson. We looked at how expression changes how think about the poem, noting that changes in voice level, emphasis on different words and the speed at which we speak all contribute to our overall feeling about the poem. This will come in handy as next week we'll be working in groups to present different poems! Want to learn more about the actual Charge of the Light Brigade? Check out this link then!
please - Please study your spellings!
thank-you - Be sure to say thank-you.
doubt - I doubt it will rain today.
honest - Be honest, it will cause you less trouble in the end.
feather - Birds of a feather flock together.
weather - The weather is looking good for next week.
would - I would definitely bring your homework in.
should - You should tie your shoelaces or you'll trip.
shoulder - My shoulder is sore from playing tennis.
restaurant - Let's go eat at that restaurant.
Be sure to study these spellings so you can try to get your name up on the Top Ten Spellers list. Last week saw eight people get perfect: Sam, Harley, Erin, Jamie K, Charlie, Kinisha, Coby and Cameron.
Homework this week is some more work on time differences and also a chance to write some powerful sentences using the vocabulary wheel we used in class. Write your best descriptive sentences at the bottom of you homework page, or use a piece of scrap paper. Write neatly though!
We have been using Dojos to help keep track of good behaviour within the class. Week 1 was led by Josh with 8, followed closely by Charlie and Ryan with 7 each. Week 2 had a six-way tie with Alfie, Charlie, Chloe W, Jamielee, Harley and Melody taking top honours. This past week saw Harley and Jamielee tie for first with 5 points each.
Have a great weekend everyone. Remember to bring in your homework, reading folder and PE kit!
Mr. Sutherland