In English, we have been looking at Aesop's fable: The Fox and the Stork. Children learned what a moral is and got a chance to act out the fable in small groups. We then went through the playscript format so they could write the fable as a playscript on Friday for their Big Write. Furthermore, we also looked at when to use its/it's, there/their/they're and apostrophes for contractions and to show possession!
In topic, we were lucky enough to be visited by a Dentist (Burgess & Hyder in Seaham)! Children participated in a disclosure experiement where they chewed a tablet that made their teeth red, then they brushed their teeth. Any places that were left red after they brushed were places they now know they need to focus on. We learned loads from their visit and can't thank them enough for taking the time to come in and educate us about teeth and healthy foods.
Week 6 Spellings (to be tested on 23.2.16)
famous - Mr Craig is a famous musician.
island - I would like to visit the island of Iceland someday.
library - Take a trip to your local library over the break.
minute - Wait a minute, I need to practise my times tables.
probably - You are probably going to sleep in on Monday.
answer - Raise your hand to answer a question.
remember - Remember to bring in your PE kit.
favourite - What has been your favourite topic so far?
special - Did you get a Valentine for your special someone?
popular - Be nice and you'll soon be quite popular.
The Good Work Award went to Ethan F for his continued improvement with his spellings.
The Good Behaviour Award went to Alfie for showing good cooperation within his group.
Our class DOJO winner was a draw again! This time, Kyle and Thomas led the way over everyone else. Congratulations to you both and well done! +5HPs each.
Homework this week is a food/drink log. Each child is to keep track of everything they eat from Sunday 14th February to Saturday 20th February. We'll look at everyone's log page when we come back after the half-term break and point out areas where we can make better choices. I'll keep track too! Yikes!
I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable half-term break! Take care,
Mr Sutherland