We also started our topic, The Ancient Greeks. The children wrote out questions they are interested in finding answers to and we also labelled a map with some important cities, features and seas related to Ancient Greece.
Our first spelling test was a massive success with 16 children scoring 10/10! Well done Erin, Matthew, Archie, Millie, Lucy, Grace, Jaclyn, Jasmin, Tom, Brooke, Dominic, Sophie, Ellie E, Layla, Ella and Alfie! +2HPs for each.
We had other notable achievements this week also. Cuba was awarded the Excellent Behaviour Award while Joshua was awarded the Excellent Work Award. That's not it either as our class won the Best Attendance Award also! Woohoo, go Year 4!
Our class DOJO winner for the week was Cuba. You've certainly had a good week Cuba! +10HPs for you.
herd - The herd of sheep crossed the road.
heard - Have you heard the news?
buy - I'd like to buy a new coat.
by - The work done by Year 4 has been excellent.
bye - Bye for now, see you on Monday.
key - That is the key for the front door.
quay - It was a beautiful day to walk along the quay.
due - When is that bill due again?
dew - The cold morning left dew covering the fields.
do - Be sure to do your best work all the time!
Be sure to read and record the short date and pages read in your yellow log book, that way we can update our reading records at school. Remember to bring your reading folder and PE kit in with you on Monday. Homework is due in on Tuesday. It is a mixture of reviewing place value and ordering words alphabetically.
To help you practise place value, try this game based on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire!
Have a super weekend everyone!
Mr. Sutherland