This week in maths we have reviewed strategies for times tables. Children even designed a times table strategy poster so they can look back on it throughout the year if needed.
In English, children wrote a recount of their summer break and an extended writing piece on their goals for Year 4. We've looked at the 'Hamburger Format' for writing in paragraphs, which many children seem to be using well already.
Our first topic this term is the Ancient Greeks. Children have written out questions that will guide their learning throughout the unit. I'm looking forward to teaching this unit as I was lucky enough to have visited Greece over the summer break!
I've sent a short note home to parents/guardians explaining some of the class routines...
- Reading folders should be taken home each night and brought back in each day (Encourage reading as much as least 3 times weekly)
- PE kits should be at school each day (dark shorts/track bottoms, white t-shirt/long-sleeved shirt and trainers)
- Homework is handed out on Fridays (none this week) and due back in on Tuesdays (Mondays are more than fine too though!)
Blog comments are welcomed and should be visible after approval from myself.
Children have been taught about internet safety and know not to include any personal information online (no last names and email addresses in comments). After all, the whole world is watching!
For further information on staying safe online, check out the CBBC site.
We use a class behaviour monitoring system called DOJOs where students can earn +/- DOJOs for specific actions. We also have the school House Point system in place still.
I'll update the blog weekly with the DOJO winner(s). This week it was Ellie! Well done! +5 HPs!
The Good Work Award went to Maddison for being thorough with her writing, while the Good Behaviour Award went to Ajay for politely letting another student through the door first. Well done to you both! +5 HPs each!
Overall, it's been a great week. We'll start to get more into the swing of things next week, so stay tuned to keep up to date on what we're up to!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Mr Sutherland