In English, we looked at converting words between present and past tenses. Children also answered questions based on a text again, with a focus on answering in complete sentences. We'll continue to work at this. Our last English lesson of the week saw children write a recount of their class trip to the Hancock Museum on Thursday! Feedback from the children was hugely positive. The content covered fit in perfectly with the topics we've covered so far this year (Ancient Greece, Animals and Bones and Teeth and The Romans). We'll complete these recounts on Monday.
Top Spellers this week were: Alanah, Rhys, Ellie, Logan, Eve A, Sophie S, Daniel, James and Eve H. Well done. +2 HPs each!
Spellings for next week (Latin prefixes):
multi- (many)
non- (not)
mira- (strange, unknown)
circum- (around)
I'll choose ten words that use a mixture of these prefixes to start with again.
The Good Behaviour Award this week went to Annalise for looking out for her peers and offering help when needed.
The Good Work Award this week went to Charlotte for doing her own research on The Romans at home and bringing it in to share with the class.
The Class DOJO Winner this week was Eve A.
Well done to you all. +5 HPs each!
Homework this week is similar to a workshop we took part in during the class trip. Children need to look at the animal skeleton picture they are provided with and explain why that animal has that particular skeleton. What features does it have and how do these features help it to move and eat?
Remember to read and record in your yellow log book. Be sure to study your spellings and times tables as usual.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Mr Sutherland