In English, we looked at using expanded noun phrases to improve description. We also looked at using fronted adverbials again. Lastly, we looked at using speech punctuation again. Children now know how to use a reporting clause at the beginning or end of the speech. Homework this week is further practise with this! Next week we'll get through our reading and writing assessments!
In topic, we've started our 'eggcellent' shell experiment! We've put eggs into jars containing water, milk, energy drink, fruit juice, coffee and sugar-free pop. We'll look at how the different liquids have affected the eggs next week! Children also learned the names of the four types of teeth and their functions.
Swimming was cancelled this week due to water temperature control issues, but we should be good to go again next week.
Top Spellers (Statutory Word List) this week were:
Ava, Owen W, Emmi, Euan, Corey, Ellie-Mae and Amy. Well done to you all! +2 HPs each.
Spellings for next week (more statutory words):
calendar - I forgot to change the calendar last week.
knowledge - Reading helps to increase your knowledge.
strength - Eat healthy foods to increase your strength.
question - Ask a question by raising your hand.
position - Defence is an important position in all sports.
breath - Take a deep breath and relax.
library - Be sure to take care of your library book.
breathe- Your ribs move when you breathe.
experience - You gain experience over time.
complete - Complete your homework over the weekend.
The Good Behaviour Award this week went to Ava for focusing hard on her classwork.
The Good Work Award this week went to Gracie for her good maths completed in class.
The Class DOJO Winner this week was also Gracie. Well done. +5 HPs each!
The class also won the Best Attendance Award again! Woohoo! We're now top of the attendance league for the school! Rock on Year 4!
This past Monday (5th March) was the school's 50th birthday! We'll be holding festivities during the last week of this term to celebrate this milestone. Pay attention to any letters coming home as more details will be provided as we get closer to the end of Spring Term. A reminder for parents that Parent-Teacher evening(s) will be held on the 19th and 20th March. Again, letters will be going out soon.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Mr Sutherland