This week in maths we have been looking at times tables. Children were assessed so that they (and I) can see which times tables they need to work the most on. We'll take a look at place value more next week. For online practise with times tables, check out this fun game.
In English, children learned the features of a recount text before having a go at writing their own recount about their summer break. Children also wrote about their goals for Year 4. We'll be focusing on the basics to start with, as capital letters and full stops need to be reviewed!
In topic, we have started our unit on the Ancient Greeks. Children wrote out questions, that will guide their learning throughout this unit. They also completed a map of Ancient Greece. They know roughly where some of the major Ancient Greek places are located now.
A note was sent home this week outlining some of the class routines we will have this year. Reading folders need to be brought in each day, with children reading as regularly as possible. They will get a chance to get a book from the library next week. PE kits (white shirt, dark shorts/trousers, proper trainers) need to be in school each day. Homework is handed out on Fridays (none this week) and due back in on Tuesdays. We also went through some of the ways to stay safe online, as I explained how to use the Blog properly.
The Good Work Award this week went to Cerys for using her time wisely.
The Good Behaviour Award this week went to Madison for showing persistence after a rocky start to the week.
The Class DOJO Winner this week was Olivia. Well done to you all! +5 HPs each!
It's been a great first week back. I hope everyone has a relaxing and restful weekend!
Mr Sutherland