In English, we've looked at some Ancient Greek myths. Children now know about: Medusa, Theseus, King Midas, Perseus, The Cyclops, The Sirens, Pandora and The Minotaur! Children also planned and wrote their own myth (story)!
In topic, children have researched about their different Gods/Goddess of Ancient Greece and they've started to gather information to create an information poster. We should be finished these posters next week, so hopefully we'll be able to take some pictures of the finished work and post them on here! Their Ancient Greek pots are coming along too. They should be done shortly also.
The Good Behaviour Award this week went to Ellie for always showing a good example. The Good Work Award went to Rhys for his impressive maths. Well done to you both, +5 HPs each!
The Class DOJO Winner this week was ??? Way to go! +5 HPs!
Homework this week is a bit of fun with description. Children need to describe their favourite character from TV, a movie or a game, but without using his or her name. If I can guess the character they are describing, they get +2 HPs! If I can't guess the character, because they haven't described him or her enough, then they don't get any HPs.
Be sure to have your PE kit and reading folder in school each day! Also make sure you update your yellow reading log book with the date and pages read each time you read!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Mr Sutherland