In English, we focused on poetry. We went through how to write rhyming couplets, acrostic poems, Haiku poems and Limerick poems. Children found it challenging to write most of these, but had a go. We plan on making a Y4 poetry book next week by typing out their best poems and adding in detail on the computers!
In topic, we looked at how sound can be insulated. Children made an information page noting which materials would be good insulators/bad insulators. These were done on Purple Mash, so they can be viewed from home.
Spellings this week was further time to practise the yearly spelling list. We'll be having our end of the year spelling quiz soon, so keep practising!
The children involved with the school orchestra or Andrew's singing group took part in a Cultural Heritage festival at Shotton Hall this past Tuesday. They did excellently and represented the school well.