In English, children finished off their story from last time. We then looked at some poetic devices. Children learned how to write similes and metaphors and how to use personification. This new knowledge was then utilised within their very own poem based on Halloween, Bonfire Night or Autumn. These will be written out in good and put up on display within the classroom.
In topic, we started our new unit on heating and cooling. Children completed their pre-learning assessment and then wrote out their enquiry questions to help guide their learning. Our first lesson looked at what matter is and how different objects can be classified as solids, liquids or gases. Next week we'll look at what needs to happen in order for an object to change state from one form of matter to another.
In PE, we've started our unit on gymnastics. We've begun by exploring how to use different ways to travel through a space and how we can use our peripheral vision to help us see what is around us. Children enjoyed moving in different ways while making sure to not tough the spots on the floor! It was tougher than it sounds!
Top Spellers (Autumn 1 Review) this week were: Ellie-Mae, Gracie, Corey, Maya, Scarlett S, Cerys, Krissy and Emmi. Well done! +2 HPs each.
Spellings for next week (-ing, -en, -er, -ed endings):
remember - Please remember to bring your PE kit.
women - The team of women won the quiz.
consider - Consider yourself at home!
answer - Raise your hand to answer a question.
noticed - I noticed you need more practise using a ruler.
+ 5 of your own.
The Good Work and Good Behaviour Awards will be carried over as we had a special assembly on Friday with story-teller Adam Bushnell.
The Class DOJO Winner was a draw so we'll carry this over too.
Be sure to read and record in your reading record the date and pages read. Also be sure to study your times tables and spellings.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Mr Sutherland