In English, we have been learning anything and everything about The Gunpowder Plot! Children used iPads to collect some research and make point-form notes before doing some reading comprehension, a diary entry and a Bonfire Night recount. Be safe if any of you are planning on attending any extra Bonfire Night presentations over the weekend!
We have also started our new topic: Hot and Cold. Children have come up with and written down some things they would like to find answers to throughout this unit. These questions range from "How cold is ice?" to "How hot must it be for water to boil?". We started by looking at colour, specifically, primary colours and secondary colours. Children had fun trying to make some secondary colours by mixing primary colours. For +1 DOJO: What two primary colours are needed to make purple?
This week marked the first week of the more challenging spellings. I'm pleased to say that we have eight children who made their way onto the Top Spellers' Wall. Well done to: Matthew, Ella, Tom, Reuben, Sophie, Ethan E, Dominic and Ellie E! +2 HPs each!
Week 9 Spellings
image - I could see the image projected onto the wall.
imagine - I can't imagine how tough it was for our veterans.
important - It is important that you study your spellings.
improve - To improve at anything, you need to practise.
interest - I have an interest in ice hockey.
increase - You need to increase the time you study.
income - When you get a job you will have an income.
injury - You need to warm up before PE to avoid injury.
inside - I left my phone inside the car again.
include - Be sure to include adjectives within your writing.
Well done to Layla for leading the class in DOJO points this week! +10HPs for you! Also, congratulations to Mae for being awarded the Good Work Award for her extra work on poems and Jasmin for being awarded the Good Behaviour Award for always being helpful!
Be sure to read and record the date and pages read in your yellow log book. Be sure to bring in your reading folder and PE kit on Monday. Homework this week is more practise with telling time and is due on Tuesday as usual.
Remember that Remembrance Day is this upcoming Wednesday. Poppies are available for a small donation in school.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Mr. Sutherland
Bonus: how many times have I used the word time or times in this blog? +1 DOJO for the first one to comment with the correct answer!