In English, we reviewed instruction texts. Writing in third person was a challenge for many, but most did great in the end! They wrote instructions about a specific action within one of their favourite activities. These ranged from how to kick a penalty kick in football, to how to perform an arabesque dance movement. Children received their feedback and made any changes needed before saying their instructions aloud. I've recorded these with hopes of playing them on the TV near the office, so have a look next time you are in reception!
In topic, children have continued to work on their travel brochures. Most have made a good start, but more time next week will be needed. Feel free to research further at home and bring in extra information to add to your brochure!
Top Spellers this week were: Tom, Ethan E, Reuben, Grace and Mae. 10/10! Congrats to you all! +2 HPs each!
Week 4 Spellings
strength - Ants have a surprisingly high level of strength.
their - They collected their things and left quietly.
there - I haven't been there, but it looks good!
they're - Wait your turn, they're next.
length - To warm up, run the length of the pitch twice.
therefore - It rained yesterday, therefore the grass will be wet.
broth - We made broth for lunch.
though - The game is difficult, but I'll never give up though.
through - Be sure to think your answers through fully.
thought - I thought we learned this word already?
Spellings will be tested on Tuesday, which is when homework is due also.
Children have been participating in the FISCH Program on Wednesday afternoons. This deals with issues surrounding how to lead healthy active lifestyles. The leaders of this program hand out their own homework which is to be completed by the following Wednesday. This homework is not overly complicated, but meant to get the children thinking about different issues associated with their health and well-being. They have mentioned that they will hand out a prize at the end of the term to anyone who hands in their homework on time each week, so try your best!
Due to the shortened week, the Good Behaviour and Good Work Awards have been carried over to next week.
We did manage to win the Best Attendance Award this week though! Woohoo!
Our Class DOJO winner was finally settled! Ellie E won the accolades this week! Congratulations Ellie E!
Remember to read and record the date and pages read in your yellow log books. Also remember to study your times tables and spellings.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Mr Sutherland