This week we have been looking at fractions and decimals in Maths. We can now add and subtract fractions with the same denominator. We can also convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers. Converting fractions to decimals was tough going at first, but with continued practise we have the idea now.
How do you spot an improper fraction again?
gladly - I would gladly help you.
flew - The spacecraft flew out of the atmosphere.
environment - We must take care of our environment.
laugh - We all had a laugh at the joke.
young - The young puppy crawled up the stairs.
aeroplane - I saw an aeroplane in the sky.
harass - Don't harass anyone, no one likes to be picked on.
graph - Draw a graph in your books.
foreign - The emu is a foreign creature.
ended - This spelling list has ended.
Have a great weekend!