In English, we learned when to use its/it's and whose/who's correctly. Some children still need more practise with this, so we'll review this again. Children also competed in a school writing competition! They wrote their best poem using the John Lewis advertisment as a stimulus. We focussed on the senses while making acrostic and rhyming couplet poems. I'll review these and put some of the best examples up on display near the office!
In topic, we have looked at the Water Cycle and how important it is. Children learned the terms of evaporation, condensation, precipitation and transpiration. We'll look at what it takes to change specific objects from one state to another next week!
Top Spellers this week were: Eve A, Jasmine, Logan, Alanah, Ellie, Daniel, Maddison, Rhys and Sophie S. Well done! +2HPs each!
Spellings for next week are:
(-ing, -en, -er, -ed endings)
remember - Please remember to bring in your reading folder.
women - The women helped put the play on.
consider - Consider doing your homework on Fridays.
answer - Make sure you answer in complete sentences.
noticed - I noticed you haven't put you name on your hat.
+ 5 of your own.
Spellings and times tables will be tested early next week as usual.
The Good Work Award went to Josh for trying his best when not feeling the greatest earlier in the week.
The Good Behaviour Award went to Sophie E for showing great enthusiasm while practising our play.
Our Class DOJO winner was ????
Well done to all of you. +5 HPs each.
Remember to read and record in your yellow log book. Study your times table and spellings.
KS1 Christmas Performance 5th December.
KS2 (Yr 3/4) Christmas Performance 9th December.
Christmas School Dinner 9th December.
KS2 (Yr 5/6) Christmas Performance 12th December.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Mr Sutherland