In English, children typed up their book reviews using a word processor. They also answers comprehension questions in complete sentences and completed an activity to do with adjectives and adverbs.
In topic, children completed their pre-learning assessment then wrote enquiry questions that will guide their learning throughout this unit on the Romans.
Top Spellers this week were: Ellie, Rhys, Alanah, Logan, James, Eve A, Sophie S, Daniel, Eve H and Ajay. +2 HPs each!
Spellings for next week (Latin prefixes):
alti- (to do with height)
magni- (grand or large)
pri- (first)
sub- (below or under)
Children have found words that start with these prefixes. They will be tested on ten words randomly selected that start with these prefixes.
The Good Behaviour Award this week went to Eve H for lending help to her peers.
The Good Work Award this week went to Logan for showing perseverance during a specific lesson.
Well done. +5 HPs each!
The Class DOJO Winner is a 4-way draw, so will be carried over to next week.
Remember that our class trip is next week on Thursday. Forms and transportation money need to be in as soon as possible, if not in already.
After-school clubs start up again next week.
Please remember to study your specific times tables and spellings. Also read and record in your yellow log book. Don't forget your homework and PE kit too!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Mr Sutherland