Our open day was unfortunately cut a bit short on Wednesday, but we still had a great turnout throughout the day. Lots of old pictures and admissions books were on display to look at. It was also nice to see and meet so many other staff that have worked or been a part of Howletch over the years.
Top Spellers this week (Autumn/Spring Review) were: Cerys, Scarlett S, Amy, Ellie-Mae, Harvey, Harrison, Corey, Lewis, Max, Gracie and Euan. Well done. +2 HPs each!
The Good Behaviour Award and the Good Work Award will be carried over into next term.
The Class DOJO Winner this week was Krissy. Well done! +5 HPs.
Homework for over the Easter term break is simply reading regularly, studying your times tables and studying your spellings. Obviously have a relaxing term break, but make sure you put some time into the areas I noted so they are fresh in your mind when you come back in April.
Have a safe and enjoyable term break everyone!
Mr Sutherland