In English, we looked at the features of formal letters, before getting the chance to write some of their own. The homework this week is another chance to show me you can use the features of formal letters well! Watch your punctuation!
Our Top Spellers this week were: Jasmin, Ellie E, Grace, Tom, Lucy, Ella, Dominic, Alfie, Ally, Matthew and Harry. Well done! +2HPs each.
The winner of the Good Work Award this week went to Reece for his excellent effort in maths, while the Good Behaviour Award went to Ethan F for always trying to be helpful.
Our class DOJO winner this week was shared by Reece and Harry. Great job! +10HPs each!
Week 12 Spellings
I will choose 10 random words from any of the previous weeks. Think about a studying strategy. Study the words you know you had trouble with as I'm more likely to choose those!
Spelling test will be on Tuesday as usual.
In topic, we've continued to look at heating and cooling by learning about different climates. What is a climate again? (+1 DOJO) [awarded: Sophie]
We have continued to look at the names for different body parts in French, along with focusing on invasion games in PE. Furthermore, children have been introduced to the idea of coding in computing. They wrote simple code to control a lighthouse light and fog horn which we will try out next week hopefully!
Remember to read as much as you can at home. Record what and when you read in your yellow log book so you can update your reading log page in class.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Mr Sutherland