In English, children worked on using description further. They are using adverb starters with a comma and some are even using adverbial phrases with commas. They worked on using powerful adjectives along with including a variety of punctuation. On Tuesday, I showed the children a video of Danny MacAskill doing tricks on his bike. You can check out the video again here on YouTube! They came up with some great descriptive writing based on this video. Can you remember some of your best description? If so, write a sentence or two in the comments section for the world to see!
In Topic, we have finished off our unit on the Mediterranean. Children have found answers to most of the questions they had at the start of the unit. Our next unit starting after the half-term break is all about sound. Children will get the opportunity to make their own instrument, so collecting some empty cereal boxes or paper towel rolls may be quite helpful!
Top Spellers this week were: Leighton, Layla, Ella, Ellie E, Mae, Matthew, Grace, Dominic, Ally, Lucy, Sophie, Reuben, Millie and Alfie. Well done, +2 HPs each!
Week 7 Spellings (plurals with a y):
joy/joys - There are many simple joys of life.
candy/candies - We bought candies at the shop.
baby/babies - Babies are cute, most of the time.
party/parties - There are a few parties this week.
try/tries - Make sure everyone tries their best.
fly/flies - Which company flies to Croatia?
lady/ladies - Those ladies have reserved that table.
delay/delays - There were delays on the A1 yesterday.
melody/melodies - That song has great melodies throughout.
play/plays - They went to watch both plays last week.
The Good Work Award went to Leighton for his good spelling and maths test results this week.
The Good Behaviour Award went to Grace for setting good examples of behaviour throughout the week.
The Class DOJO winner this week was split between Ella and Alfie. Great job you two!
Homework for over the half-term break is pretty simple. Children have written out their targets for Maths and English. All they need to do is write out their own questions/sentences to show me they can achieve each of their specified targets.
Always read and record in your yellow log book. I've checked through everyone's yellow log book and almost everyone is using the correct format with regular reading now, which is great to see. Be sure to study your spellings and times tables whenever you get a chance over the week also.
Above all, have a fun and safe half-term break everyone!
Mr Sutherland