We continued with our novel study in English. We managed to finish reading the book on Thursday so, as a treat, we watched the movie on Friday! The children made T charts to note any differences between the book and the movie. What did everyone think of the movie? Scary? Funny?
Week 4 Spellings
him - I asked him to move politely.
hymn - We sang a hymn in assembly.
find - I hope you find your sunglasses.
fined - I was fined £50 for parking in a tow-away zone!
hair - Witches don't have any hair on their heads.
hare - The fox chased the hare into the bushes.
bread - I had a slice of bread with my meal.
bred - The chickens were bred for their eggs.
whole - We ate the whole pizza!
hole - There is a hole in my sock.
Week 4 spelling test will be on Tuesday as usual.
Homework this week looks at more doubling and halving in maths and verbs and adverbs in English. Due in on Tuesday as usual again.
DOJO winner will be carried over to next week.
Remember to read and record in your yellow log book the date and pages read. Bring your reading folder and PE kit in. Those of you with instruments need to remember to bring them in on the day(s) needed also!
Have a great weekend!
Mr. Sutherland