This week in maths we have been looking at division. Children have started to learn their division facts based on their multiplication facts (using the inverse). They have also divided and had remainders and learned how to use the formal method for division. It was a busy week! Check out this game online to practise your division facts!
In English, children have been working on poems. We continued with our class novel: The Butterfly Lion. We found the next two chapters to be quite emotional, so we've made emotion poems. I'm even going to enter them into a competition where the school can with a top prize of £1000! The competition details can be found here if you'd like to find out more. Fingers crossed. Either way, I think they turned out great.
In topic, we continued our focus on Bones and Teeth. Children know the names and types of bones in the body. They also know the types of teeth and what makes up a tooth. Homework this week is a chance to show me how much you remember from these lessons! Be sure to use neat handwriting and proper punctuation!
A big thank-you to Ellie F's family for bringing in real x-ray photos! They sure made us realise how important it is for us to eat healthily so our bones can heal should they ever be broken.
Top Spellers this week were: Ella, Alfie, Matthew, Layla, Ethan E, Ethan F, Jaclyn, Ellie F, Jasmin, Grace, Tom and Sophie. Well done, +2HPs each!
Week 5 Spellings (gh focus)
flight - I took a flight to Canada over Christmas.
naughty - Sit up straight and stop being naughty!
caught - Leah caught the ball before it hit the ground.
cough - Cover your mouth with your arm when you cough.
rough - The skin of a snake is quite rough.
drought - Please rain, I'm sick of this drought.
fight - Don't fight with your classmates, be nice!
mighty - Eat your vegetables and you will be mighty.
fought - I fought the strong wind while peddling my bike.
ghost - What's wrong? You look as white as a ghost!
The Good Work Award went to Lucy this week for her great persuasive text from last week.
The Good Behaviour Award went to Dominic this week for looking to help others whenever possible.
Congratulations to you both!
Class DOJOs winner is still a draw, this time with 7 children! Therefore, we'll carry this week's points over again. It's all to play for next week!
Please be sure to study your spellings and times tables (division facts too) over the weekend. Also be sure to bring in your homework, reading folder and PE kit. Continue to read as much as possible. I expect everyone to read AT LEAST once over the weekend and AT LEAST twice throughout the week.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Mr. Sutherland