Just a reminder that our performance is next week on Friday 12th December at 10am and 2pm. Tickets are available at the office, but hurry because they are going fast!
Aside from practising the play we have been spending some time learning about...time. We can now tell the time on an analogue clock and we can also convert between 12h and 24h digital times. The homework this week is more practise with this as it's a tricky thing to understand...and teach!
Try this game for some more practise recognising digital and analogue times!
We have continue to work on our seasonal calendars, but have a lot of work left still. At some point between practising for the play performance and finishing our calendars next week we need to start our Christmas cards too! After all, it's less than three weeks until Christmas Day!
The spelling test on Tuesday this week will be a combination of any of the words we've studied this term (one hundred to choose from!). Therefore, be sure to look over all of the spellings we've taken and practise the words you have had trouble with!
Homework is due in on Tuesday as usual also.
Beyond all of that, keep reading at home as often as you can and record it in your yellow log book and keep practising your times tables in your spare time.
Lastly, something cool that has made news over the weekend is this...
The probe they sent to Pluto is getting close to the dwarf planet. It sent back a signal. How long did it take the signal to travel from the probe to Earth?
We could be receiving close-up photos of Pluto in the near future! No one knows for sure what will be found!
Have a relaxing yet productive weekend everyone!
Mr. Sutherland