In English, we continued with our novel study. Children wrote their own similes and had a go at using alliteration. Homework this week is further practise with these. We also looked at writing simple instructions and description. Handwriting is coming along, but children need to practise the correct letter joins using the correct grip. Some have found this quite difficult, which is expected, but with more practise they will become more confident and fluent.
In topic, children have begun to research their Ancient Greek God/Goddess with their partner(s). We'll be starting to make our information posters next week, with hopes of getting them displayed in the class later.
Our French unit is progressing nicely. We have gone through the colours and some body part names. We'll continue to review these as often as possible so that the children retain this knowledge.
We also started our Guided Reading system this week. Children are starting to become familiar with the daily routine associated with this. They do need to take their reading folder home every night and bring it back in every morning. I ask that every child reads at least three times throughout the week, making sure to record the date and pages read in their reading record.
Children have been given their spellings for this week. We'll be testing spellings every Tuesday.
Spellings This Week (ch blend):
chair - Make sure to sit up in your chair.
match - Do you see the match last weekend?
which - I don't know which route to take.
witch - The Grand High Witch is a character in our novel.
itch - I have an itch on my back.
+ 5 of your own
Children will be tested on these five, plus five random words that fit the focus (ch).
The Good Behaviour Award this week went to Gracie for setting a good example by helping others.
The Good Work Award this week went to Euan for his showing persistence with his maths.
The Class DOJO Winner this week was a draw, so we'll carry over the points to next week.
Well done to both of you. +5 HPs each.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Mr Sutherland