This week in maths we've looked at recognising tenths and hundredths in decimal numbers. We also looked at converting decimals to fractions and vice versa. Children are now able to compare decimal numbers and fractions using the greater than, less than and equal to symbols and they are starting to recognise equivalent fractions, although more time on this is needed.
In English, we looked at similes and metaphors. As a whole, the children have done well with similes, but some struggled with the idea of metaphors. We planned and wrote a poem based on something to do with Halloween/Autumn also.
In topic, children have completed making their Ancient Greek pots by following their designs. These have turned out great and some will be put on display near the office! Furthermore, children compared the Ancient Olympics to the Modern Olympics. To round off the topic, we came together with the other Year 4 class and participated in our own version of an Ancient Olympics! Events consisted of javelin, standing long jump and running races.
Our Class DOJO Winner this week was Maddison. +5HPs to you as well! Great work this week!
Homework for over the half-term break is a chance to write a spooky story! Children are encouraged to use the hamburger method to set out their writing (introduction, body, conclusion). The spookiest/scariest story will be voted on by the class after we read through all of them together after half-term! Will your story win? Include lots of terrifying description to be in with a chance!
Our 'ure' spellings will be tested after half-term, so study them well! Be sure to read and record in your yellow log book also! Practise those times tables whenever possible too. Please remember that Fun and Fitness Club starts on the first Monday back and swimming starts on the first Wednesday back!
Have a great half-term break everyone. Stay safe and have fun!
Mr Sutherland