Week 6 Spellings (homographs and homophones)
minute - Wait just a minute! That baby squirrel is minute!
wound - That wound is from years ago. I wound up the rope.
read - Be sure to read your book. It doesn't matter if you
read yesterday already.
bow - She wore a red bow in her hair. Be sure to bow to
bass - I caught a bass on my first cast. You can hear the bass
from outside!
pail/pale - Fetch that pail of water please. She had pale skin
from being inside all the time.
fair/fare - Be sure to play fair. How much is the bus fare?
coarse/course - The kitten's tongue was coarse. I'm heading
down to the golf course.
ate/eight - I ate a whole pomegranate. She read to page eight.
see/sea - Did you see the lightning? It came down over the sea.
These spellings will be tricky, as I'm just going to say a sentence and you'll have to know which spelling to use!
In maths this week, we reviewed how to interpret graphs, calculating factors of 2-digit numbers and how to tell the time on an analogue clock.
Homework this week is more practise with analogue clocks. Children have made analogue clocks which have been laminated so they can be used repeatedly at home!
Here's the factor calculator we used in class to check our work. Try finding some of your own and checking them!
On Wednesday, the class presented their Mediterranean travel brochures and persuasive posters to the school during assembly. I was super proud of everyone, as it takes guts to speak in front of that many people and everyone put in a great effort. The audience was interested and genuinely looked like they wanted to pack their bags and head off to some of the countries that were spoken of. I think this presentation helped us win the Class of the Week Award also.
In topic, children reflected on their assembly performance, noting what they think they did well and what they think they need to work on. We also had a great time on Thursday afternoon tasting some Mediterranean foods. Children tasted figs, lemons, humus, olives and pomegranate. Most children pushed their picky taste buds aside and tried everything, which was obviously nice to see. What was your favourite?
The Good Work Award went to Joshua this week for getting his name up on the Top 10 Spellers list, while the Good Behaviour Award went to Cuba for also sticking with his spellings and improving massively! Keep up the awesomeness you two!
Class DOJO winner is a 5-way draw this week so we'll carry it over to next week.
Remember that homework is due in on Tuesday, the same day we have our spellings test. Also remember that FISCH homework is due in on Wednesday.
Please continue to read and record in your yellow log book the date and the pages read. Bring your PE kit in also.
Class trip letters went home on Friday. Please get those forms, along with any money needed, into the school as soon as possible so we can get organised easily.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Mr Sutherland