In English, we looked at how to proofread correctly and purposefully. Some children tend to just skim through their writing and miss some pretty obvious mistakes, so hopefully the time we spent on this changes their perspective on proofreading. We also completed some reading comprehension work and looked at persuasive language again.
In topic, children have continued to work on their Mediterranean travel brochures. The plan is to hold a travel fair next week and invite other classes in to ask the groups questions on their respective Mediterranean country. Children will be making a persuasive poster to display at their 'travel booth' and are encouraged to wear the colours of the country they are researching. More information on this will be given in class next week.
In PE, we continued our focus on fitness and athletic skills. Children performed activities such as skipping and stepping through the agility ladder in order. They also tried their best performing sit-ups and push-ups along with some squats and lunges. Keep working on these skills at home so that you can improve for your end of the term fitness assessment!
Top Spellers this week were: Eve A, James, Jacob, Victoria, Logan, Sophie E, Ajay, Alanah, Rhys, Eve H, Josh, Kenzi, Ellie, Harry, Annalise, Daniel, Jasmine and Sophie S. Wow! Our best spelling results yet! Well done everyone! +2 HPs each!
Spellings for next week (double consonants):
address - What is the address for the tournament?
grammar - Be sure to use proper grammar when speaking.
possible - Anything is possible if you believe it is.
difficult - It's not difficult to improve if you study.
arrive - We should arrive in the early morning.
pressure - Use light pressure on the pencil when sketching.
different - We're all different in our own ways.
accident - Tie your shoelace so you don't have an accident.
suppose - I suppose you can have another apple.
letter - She wrote a letter to her sister on her birthday.
Homework this week is further practise recognising and writing complex sentences by using subordinate clauses in different places. The first three need to be found within your reading book, while the last three you can make up on your own! Be creative and descriptive! It's due in on Tuesday, as usual.
The Good Work Award this week went to Alanah for the extra effort she put into gathering information for her brochure.
The Good Behaviour Award this week went to Jacob for showing persistence with his maths work.
The Class DOJO Winner this week was Jasmine. Finally, after a few weeks of rolling over the points, we have an outright winner!
Well done to each of you. +5 HPs each!
Be sure to study your spellings and times tables, along with reading and recording in your yellow log book! Remember PE kits for Monday too!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Mr Sutherland