The children worked hard on their calendars and Christmas cards this week. They were also given Christmas activity booklets that we didn't get much time to work on. Feel free to work through them over the holiday break.
Top Spellers this week were: Ella, Matthew, Reuben, Ethan E, Tom, Brooke, Ellie F, Grace, Lucy, Sophie and Dominic. +2 HPs each! I'll go through the spellings for this term and let the children know their average score. New spellings will be handed out in the new year.
The Good Work Award went to Ethan E this week for his good effort on his maths assessment, while the Good Behaviour Award went to Leighton for acting sensible.
Our class DOJO winner (which has been a roll-over from previous weeks) was Joshua! Well done! + 10 HPs.
Homework for over the term break is to think about and appreciate your family and friends. That's it. However, please continue to read as much as possible!
I'd like to say thank-you for all the gifts and cards that I received from children and parents and I hope you all have a safe and happy holiday time!
Mr. Sutherland