In English, we completed our novel study on The Butterfly Lion. Children wrote a book review of this book with their table partner which led them into being able to write their own book review later in the week.
In topic, we finally opened the drinks jars and checked out the results of our experiment! They were gross to say the least. I think it's safe to say that children now know how important it is to drink healthy drinks and to brush their teeth often!
Spellings to be tested when we get back from half-term break will be a random mixture of any of the spellings we've covered so far this term.
The Good Behaviour Award this week went to Jacob for being helpful to others.
The Good Work Award this week went to Daniel for participating well in PE during the basketball scrimmage.
The Class DOJO Winner was shared between Ellie, Eve A and Harry. +5 HPs each!
We also achieved the Class of the Week award this week for showing good manners and helping out within the dinner hall. This was a great surprise to end the half-term!
Well done everyone!
Remember to read and record in your yellow log book over the half-term break. Also remember to study your times tables! It wouldn't hurt to study the spellings you spelled incorrectly over this half-term as our spelling test when we get back will be a mixture of any words we've taken thus far.
Have a great week off everyone! Stay safe and have fun!
Mr Sutherland