Where did the time go? That term went by super quick!
We've covered a lot this term. I hope that you've all found it enjoyable and interesting! You have units on animals and bones and teeth to look forward to when we get back from term break. Also, don't forget about the Romans!
There is no homework for over the term break, but you need to continue to study your times tables and spellings. You also need to continue to read at least three times a week!
Top Spellers this week were: Sophie S, James, Eve A, Ajay, Logan, Daniel and Maddison. Well done. +2 HPs each!
The Good Behaviour Award this week went to Phoebe for showing a good example.
The Good Work Award this week went to Sophie S for getting 10/10 on her spellings! Well done to you both! +5 HPs each!
Class DOJOs were a draw amongst many, so we'll start new when we come back in January.
Remember top check out Purple Mash for fun and educational games if you're bored! Children have their own logins and passwords.
I would like to thank you all for all the gifts and cards. Much appreciated! I hope you all have a healthy and happy term break and I'll see you all in 2017!
Mr Sutherland